“Rock A Bye Baby” is one of the most beloved lullabies for kids. This sweet and soothing poem has been sung to countless infants for centuries. The origin and history of this timeless classic dates back to the early 1500s, and it continues to be loved and celebrated by children around the world.

Rock a bye baby
On the treetop,
When the wind blows
The cradle will rock.
When the bough breaks
The cradle will fall,
But mama will catch u
Cradle and all.
Baby is drowsing
Cozy and fair,
Mother sits near
In her rocking chair.
Forward and back
The cradle she swings,
And though baby sleeps
He hears what she sings.
Hush a by baby
Up in the sky,
On a soft cloud
it’s easy to fly.
Angels watch keep watch
Over as u sleep,
So hush a by baby
Don’t make a peep.
Rock a by baby
Do not u fear,
Never mind baby
Mother is near.
Wee little fingers
Eyes are shut tight,
Now sound asleep
Until morning light.
These lyrics describe a mother who is gently rocking her baby to sleep on the treetop. The cradle sways back and forth as the breeze blows, and the baby is lulled into a deep sleep. The mother assures her child that she will catch the cradle if it falls.
The mother then sings to her baby, telling them that the angels are watching over them. She encourages the child to sleep soundly and not to be afraid because she is near. The song ends with the baby drifting off to sleep.
For parents, “Rock A Bye Baby” is a reminder of the bond between mother and child. It is a reminder of the importance of nurturing and caring for our children, of reassuring them that we are there for them and that they are loved.
Legend has it that “Rock A Bye Baby” was written by an anonymous pilgrim who sailed to America on the Mayflower. During the journey, the pilgrim observed Native American women rocking their infants to sleep in birch-bark cradles. These cradles were suspended on branches of trees and were moved by the gentle breeze. The pilgrim was moved by the sight and was inspired to write this beautiful lullaby.
However, the actual origins of “Rock A Bye Baby” are not known and there are many different versions of the lullaby. It is believed that the earliest known version of the poem appeared in the 1765 edition of “Mother Goose’s Melody” in London.